
T. +52 (81) 8377 9902

At PQD we believe it’s possible.
At PQD we think that economic development and the greater demand of resources that entails is not necessarily opposed with the care of our environment: we believe that the solution that represents “sustainable development” is reachable. This demands the use of all our creative and innovation capacity to find this path that is definitely not free of obstacles. The task is bigger than any entity, whether public, private or social; It is everyone’s task, including us as final consumers, through the change of mentality and practices it implies.
Desarollo Sustentable

En pqd creemos que es posible

En PQD pensamos que el desarrollo económico y mayor demanda de recursos que esto conlleva, no está necesariamente contrapuesto con el cuidado del medio ambiente: creemos que la solución que representa el “desarrollo sustentable” se puede lograr. Esto demanda el uso de toda nuestra capacidad creativa y de innovación para encontrar esta vía que definitivamente no está libre de obstáculos. La tarea es más grande que cualquier entidad, ya sea pública, privada o social; es una tarea de todos, incluyéndonos como consumidores finales, mediante el cambio de conciencia y prácticas que implica.
Thanks to the embedded technology in our products, we contribute so that the processes and products of our customers are more sustainable. For example, a machining coolant that remains in optimum conditions of use for a longer time not only represents a cost saving, it also reduces the consumption of fresh water, and the generation of solid and liquid waste at the end of its useful life. In the same way, a surfactant that gives better detergency allows reducing the dose of active material in the concentrated cleaner, thus diminishing the organic load that ends up in the residual water.
To reduce our environmental footprint and improve our raw material intensity, we continuously optimize our performance; which in addition to making us more competitive, minimizes the amount of waste and emissions. We implement frequent measures to save energy, such as thermal insulation of tanks that reduces consumption of fuels for steam generation, or the investment in high efficiency motors for transfer equipment, stirred tanks and reactors, controlling the energy demand by means of variable speed drives, allowing us an additional saving. Regarding waste management, those that are inevitably generated are reused in the formulation of alternative fuels to take advantage of their calorific power.


We believe that prevention is the best tool to protect the environment, which is why we maintain our Emergency Response and Disaster Management Plan permanently updated and registered with our local Civil Protection authorities. 100% of our personnel participate in one of our brigades, which train at least once a year with practices and drills.

Our Joint Safety and Hygiene Committee periodically reviews the state of the facilities to identify areas for improvement and mitigate potential risks, hence we are continuously improving the safety and sustainability of our operations.